Stop Smoking
You Can Stop Smoking, – Easily and Naturally
without Medications, Patches, Gum or Substitutes
No weight gain – No replacement habits
For Your Appointment call 086 7256732
What Makes my Stop Smoking Programme Unique?
Our Programme is the result of over ten years research working with smokers in order to develop a stop smoking process that was safe, effective, and permanent. I have taken essence of the best techniques available and combined them to give a highly effective and superior process. Crucially , the process eliminates the core reasons and desires of why you smoke. Everyone has a specific reason for continuing to smoke despite their knowledge of the obvious disadvantages.
The reason you continue to smoke and yet want to quit is not addiction or habit, it is fear. This fear is irrational but has strong emotive power. This power is so strong that it completely overwhelms your will power and conscious mind. The part of your brain that deals with your survival gives you a flight or flight response to fear or anxiety.
Cigarettes have been unconsciously linked to this survival response sending your body into a flight or fight response at the mere thought of quitting cigarettes. As long as you remain a smoker who is trying to quit you are subconsciously protecting yourself from a hidden fear
Some of the irrational fears smokers hold
- Fear I won’t cope without cigarettes
- Fear I will die without cigarettes
- Fear I will have no friends without cigarettes
- Fear I wont be able to handle stress without cigarettes
- Fear I will be lonely without cigarettes
- Fear I will be bored without cigarettes
- Fear of failure
- Fear of putting on weight
So, which is the real enemy your irrational fears or smoking. Once you eliminate these fears quitting smoking will be just a natural process in line with your duty of care to yourself.
Brief Description of Method
My method uses a combination of techniques blended together to bring about one of, if not the most effective approach available today. The combination addresses the physiological as well as psychological aspects to the habit. Techniques used include Hypnosis, Rapid Eye Therapy, and NLP (Neuro linguistic Programming) and Memory Reconsolidation therapy.
Hypnosis has the reputation of being the best therapeutic help for smoking cessation available, with an excellent success rate.
Rapid Eye Therapy addresses the limiting beliefs and fears around stopping smoking. In addition it removes cravings and other withdrawal symptoms.
NLP ensures past mental, emotion, and visual associations with cigarettes are broken and replaced with beneficial life supporting connections to you the non smoker.
Combining hypnosis, Rapid Eye Therapy and other NLP techniques with memory reconsolidation will allow you to succeed so that new behaviours are developed and become permanent. This is a method that is tailored to each individuals needs, rather that a general process that is so often delivered to individuals or groups..
Cravings, urges, addictions, bad breath, ageing skin can be distant memories
Works for heavy and light smokers
Works irrespective of how long you have been smoking
Individual process to address your unique needs.
Eliminates the core reasons and desires of why you smoke
Excellent success rate with little or no willpower required
Call 0867256732 Today
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